How well do you know classic movies?

1 of 10

Who directed the movie 'Gone with the Wind'?

2 of 10

Which movie features the famous line 'Here's looking at you, kid'?

3 of 10

Who played the role of Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone with the Wind'?

4 of 10

Which movie won the Best Picture Oscar in 1972?

5 of 10

Who directed the movie 'Citizen Kane'?

6 of 10

Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in 'The Sound of Music'?

7 of 10

Which movie features the iconic line 'I'll be back'?

8 of 10

Who played the role of Don Corleone in 'The Godfather'?

9 of 10

Which movie is known for its line 'May the Force be with you'?

10 of 10

Who directed the movie 'The Shining'?

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