Unveil Your Trust-O-Meter

1 of 9

Does your partner often avoid answering direct questions about their whereabouts?

2 of 9

Has your partner suddenly become more secretive with their phone or computer?

3 of 9

Is your partner frequently canceling or rescheduling plans without a valid explanation?

4 of 9

Has your partner become unusually defensive or dismissive when you express concerns?

5 of 9

Do you notice your partner spending more time on social media or distance themselves emotionally?

6 of 9

Has your partner started receiving mysterious phone calls or text messages?

7 of 9

Do you feel like your partner is less affectionate or emotionally distant?

8 of 9

Has your partner suddenly become more secretive with their finances?

9 of 9

Have you noticed your partner lying about small things or inconsistencies in their stories?

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